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Find Distance from the Polygon Boundary in Nodejs

Oct 12, 2023

Find Distance from the Polygon Boundary in Nodejs

Find Distance from the Polygon Boundary in Node.js Using geolib npm - A comprehensive guide on using geolib npm to calculate the distance from a point to the boundary of a polygon in Node.js. Includes example code and best practices for web development.

In the geolib tutorial, we are calculating the distance from a point to the boundary of a polygon is a common geospatial operation used in various applications, including location-based services, mapping solutions, and geographic data analysis. The geolib npm package in Node.js provides a convenient way to perform this task.

Calculating Distance from Polygon Boundary


Step 1: Getting Started

Before you begin distance calculation, make sure you have Node.js installed on your system. If not, you can download it from the official Node.js website. You'll also need npm (Node Package Manager) to install the geolib package. Create a new Node.js project or use an existing one.

Step 2: Installing geolib

npm install geolib

To use geolib, you need to install it as a Node.js module. Open your terminal or command prompt and run the following command:

This command installs the geolib package in your project.

Step 3: Import geolib

const geolib = require('geolib');

In your Node.js application, import the geolib module to access its geospatial functions. You can do this at the beginning of your JavaScript file:

Step 4: Calculating Distance

Now you can calculate the distance from a point to the boundary of a polygon using the geolib library. Here's an example:

const polygon = [
    { latitude: 52.5200, longitude: 13.4050 },
    { latitude: 52.5200, longitude: 13.4053 },
    { latitude: 52.5203, longitude: 13.4053 },
    { latitude: 52.5203, longitude: 13.4050 },

const point = { latitude: 52.5202, longitude: 13.4051 };

const distance = geolib.getDistance(point, polygon);
console.log(`Distance from the point to the polygon boundary: ${distance} meters`);

In this example:

  • We define a polygon as an array of latitude and longitude coordinates representing the polygon's boundary.
  • We specify a point as an object with latitude and longitude.
  • The geolib.getDistance() function calculates the distance in meters from the point to the nearest point on the polygon's boundary.
  • We print the calculated distance to the console.

By following these steps and integrating geolib into your Node.js projects, you can effectively work with geospatial data and enhance the functionality of your location-based services and applications.

Finding Center Coordinates of a Polygon:

In geospatial applications, finding the center coordinates of a polygon is a valuable task, especially when working with geographic shapes. The center coordinates represent the geometric center or centroid of the polygon. To calculate the center coordinates using the geolib npm package in Node.js.

Calculate Center Coordinates

You can calculate the center coordinates of a polygon by using the geolib.getCenter() function. Here's an example:

const polygon = [
    { latitude: 52.5200, longitude: 13.4050 },
    { latitude: 52.5200, longitude: 13.4053 },
    { latitude: 52.5203, longitude: 13.4053 },
    { latitude: 52.5203, longitude: 13.4050 },

const center = geolib.getCenter(polygon);

console.log(`Center coordinates of the polygon: Latitude ${center.latitude}, Longitude ${center.longitude}`);

In this example:

  • polygon represents the polygon's boundary, defined by an array of latitude and longitude coordinates.
  • The geolib.getCenter() function calculates and returns the center coordinates.
  • The resulting center object contains latitude and longitude properties representing the center coordinates of the polygon.

Calculating the center coordinates is valuable for mapping applications, where you may want to display the polygon on a map with an easily identifiable central point.

Finding the Nearest Polygon Boundary:

Finding the nearest polygon boundary to a given point is essential for various geolocation-based applications, such as location-based services or mapping solutions. The geolib npm package in Node.js provides a straightforward way to find the nearest polygon boundary.

Find the Nearest Boundary

You can use the  geolib.findNearest() function to find the nearest boundary of a polygon to a given point. Here's an example:

const polygon = [
    { latitude: 52.5200, longitude: 13.4050 },
    { latitude: 52.5200, longitude: 13.4053 },
    { latitude: 52.5203, longitude: 13.4053 },
    { latitude: 52.5203, longitude: 13.4050 },

const point = { latitude: 52.5210, longitude: 13.4055 };

const nearestBoundary = geolib.findNearest(point, polygon);

console.log(`Nearest polygon boundary: Latitude ${nearestBoundary.latitude}, Longitude ${nearestBoundary.longitude}`);

In this example:

  • polygon represents the polygon's boundary, defined by an array of latitude and longitude coordinates.
  • point represents the given point for which you want to find the nearest boundary.
  • The geolib.findNearest() function calculates and returns the coordinates of the nearest boundary point in relation to the provided point.

Finding the nearest polygon boundary is valuable for location-based applications to determine, for instance, which boundary a user or object is closest to in a given geographic context.


Calculating the distance from a point to the boundary of a polygon is a powerful capability for geospatial applications. By following this guide and integrating geolib into your Node.js projects, you'll be able to work with geospatial data effectively and enhance the functionality of your location-based services.

These geospatial calculations provide essential tools for working with geographic data in Node.js applications, enhancing the functionality of your geolocation-based services, mapping solutions, and geographic data analysis.

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