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Send Push Notification in Android using Firebase and PHP

In this tutorial, I will show you how to implement send push notifications from Firebase or from Custom PHP Console. This tutorial will help you, that lets you deliver messages at no cost. It can be used to send an unlimited number of notifications to your application.

How to Display a PDF File with mobile friendly in a HTML Web Page

In this article, I’ll look at a simple approach for including PDF support in your web application with mobile responsive. PDF is one of the most used for the web today. Every day people all around the world read PDF files, invoices, books etc on their devices. However, it’s not so easy if you want…

Create Thumbnails of an existing PDF document

In most of the website for some reasons we have a option to upload a PDF file and create preview thumbnails from uploaded PDF file. So in this tutorial I will explain you how to create a PDF preview image in PHP.

WM Zoom jQuery Plugin For Image Hover Inner Zoom

WM Zoom is a jQuery plugin that creates a magnifier overlay on the image and displays the high definition image inside it. Also provides a config to provide Inner zoom functionality as you mouse hover on the image.

Send email using mailgun API without library

Mailgun is good service provider which is allows you to send bulk emails via Mailgun API. Mailgun assembled a MIME message. In short, SMTP is an open and established protocol with large ecosystem, while Mailgun API is better long term performance and maintenance wise. Mailgun service is an Email automation…

WM Zoom jQuery Plugin For Image Hover Outer Zoom

WM Zoom is a jQuery plugin that creates a magnifier overlay on the image and displays the high definition image beside it. Also provides a config to provide outer zoom functionality as you mouse hover the image.

How to make a fullscreen window with JavaScript

The Fullscreen API is allows web page or HTML element to viewed in fullscreen mode, and hiding all browser user interface and other applications from the window screen. You can use this API to bring images, videos and other content to a users full attention.

File upload progress bar using javascript

In this tutorial, we are going display a progress bar during the AJAX file upload process. On file change we are update to submit form data to the PHP page. also, we have file input field and progress bar to show the file upload progress. Initially, the progress bar width is set to 0 which will be gradually…

Bootstrap daterangepicker example using daterangepicker plugin

In this tutorial, we are going to look at how to create bootstrap daterangepicker in our project, then you can use date range picker easily using daterangepicker.js plugin. In this post i give you full example. So just copy bellow code and run in your browser.

Include following files in your…

Search and filter on a HTML table using javascript

Real time search and filter on a HTML table using javascript Its a common practice to display large data using table elements. Moreover, many a times its helpfull to search through the displayed data especially when there are lots of rows and columns. One cannot expect users to keep scrolling page for…

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